Friday, May 29, 2009

Progress and Procrastination.

farmhouse1_small Okay. So I’m lagging on polishing Boyz in the Hood and I apologize. But it’s not that great of a map anyways. On the other hand I have been hard at work on my new campaign. I have completed the first major location and have put a significant dent in the second. The first location is a large farm-style house. In it’s current state it is very destructible and tons of fun in survival. I plan for it to be seen in a more broken down state in the actual level, but it will remain a prime focal point. The second spot is a medium size water treatment plant. wtrtrtmnt_overview_smallAs you can see in the picture I have laid out all the structures and carved out the floor plans, now I just have to flesh it out and create some well timed panic events. Once I have that done I can throw it all together, add the remaining terrain/plants/etc and well be good to go. I’m not sure how long that will take, but I will keep you updated as often as possible, and promise to post more info on Peace for now.

<3 TorpedoVegas

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Map First Post


So i just released a beta of a little survival map I call “Boyz in the Hood”. You can download it from or L4D Map Database. It’s a survival map based on my house and a good portion of the street. It’s a little bit large for a survival but there are a lot of places to ‘hole-up’, and I plan to tune the item spawns in a manner that would promote moving from spot-to-spot whenever possible. I plan on having an updated version out within a week or so. I am currently finishing up the houses on the far side of the street that currently have DEV textures as well as fine tuning the NAV mesh for optimal zombie spawning. In the meantime it is chock-fuckin full of weapons/ammo/health and a mean AI Director. Actually there was on guy who said no SI spawned when he played it but I get all kinds of stuff when I run it. More then once I have had two tanks on screen in the first 4 minutes, which seems a little heavy for me. Anyways, have fun and thanks for playing, also, any mappers or modders out there with any tips or advice please contact me, I need all the help I can get.

<3 TorpedoVegas

p.s. Oh ya. Campaign info coming soon. ;P