Okay. So I’m lagging on polishing Boyz in the Hood and I apologize. But it’s not that great of a map anyways. On the other hand I have been hard at work on my new campaign. I have completed the first major location and have put a significant dent in the second. The first location is a large farm-style house. In it’s current state it is very destructible and tons of fun in survival. I plan for it to be seen in a more broken down state in the actual level, but it will remain a prime focal point. The second spot is a medium size water treatment plant. As you can see in the picture I have laid out all the structures and carved out the floor plans, now I just have to flesh it out and create some well timed panic events. Once I have that done I can throw it all together, add the remaining terrain/plants/etc and well be good to go. I’m not sure how long that will take, but I will keep you updated as often as possible, and promise to post more info on L4Dmaps.com. Peace for now.
<3 TorpedoVegas
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